4, Station Parade, Ealing Road, Northolt, Middlesex UB5 5HR
Open Mon - Fri 8am - 5:30pm / Sat 8:30am-1pm
To Hire Call - 0208 841 2039 or email julian@hire-itnortholt.co.uk


Hire this Crowbar from just £5

Crowbar – Hire Prices

24 HrsExtra 24Weekend7 Days
Price exclude VAT

Call 020 8841 2039 to hire

Our Crowbars are available to hire from our Northolt branch.

Delivery and pick up available on request.

A robust steel tool engineered for multiple tasks. Commonly employed in construction and demolition activities, the crowbar is invaluable for prying up nails, removing tiles, breaking apart wood or masonry, and providing leverage in tight spaces.

Its ergonomic design combines power and efficiency, making it a must-have in toolkits for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.